Monday, March 15, 2010

Air Rifles For Sale Derry

Rio Gallegos - 14 au 16 mars

We made a stop at Rio Gallegos, capital of the province of Santa Cruz, located on the Atlantic coast of Rio Gallegos al mouth. The city is essentially the breeding of sheep and its port activities. There is no great thing to do or see Rio Gallegos has but it took us 13 hours of bus to get up here already from Ushuaia. It s is stopped for a short step before leaving tomorrow March 16 to El Calafate rating Cordillera of the Andes.

The journey from Ushuaia has been very long, we left at 5am in the morning in freezing cold. It was back across the mountains and passes the pass over Lake Fagnano in the snow that covered the same route! Then again the scenery steppe and guanacos, the long dirt road Chilean coast, changing buses in Rio Grande, crossing in the opposite direction of the Strait of Magellan ... As there is only one road leads to the end of the world, nor has it that one and the same to go back, necessarily! The worst was the waiting lines at borders For he must leave to return to Argentina to Chile, and out again back in Argentina. And yes, Tierra del Fuego is divided between the two countries still bicker over their borders. Nothing is done to facilitate our transition from one al another. Each time, wait, get off the bus, queuing, paperwork for immigration to stamp his passport ... The worst is yet to return to Chile (so that there would emerge a few km away), he had to go to the baggage scanner because customs officers are hunting for agricultural products, it is important not to carry fruit and other foodstuffs under penalty of fine. Even the dogs are on hand to sniff!


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