Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How Does A Break Barrel Air Rifle Work

Bariloche - 28 mars au 1er avril 2010

The trip from Los Antiguos and Bariloche (or San Carlos de Bariloche) has been terrific throughout. We left March 28 to 15 and we arrived 29 to 18h ... It was supposed to arrive on the 29th at 8am-n which is not bad, but the bus broke down at night in the middle of the steppe ... It s is arrested hours, drivers under the bus, more suspensions. It must be said that the road-always the legendary Route 40, s to recall! - Was still a dirt road and gravel ... It has managed to restart the bus and traveling at the speed of a snail up the small town of Esquel. The one that waited another bus to pick us up to 300 km remaining. We waited for the bus in question from 8 am to 13h and we finally arrived in Bariloche was 18h. A beautiful day for a lot of annoyance and lost ....
We had the info too late but what we c should have done is go up this part of Chile because the scenery is much more beautiful. For between Los Antiguos and Esquel, Patagonia Argentina is truly boring, very dry because it rains very little compared to the Chilean Patagonia much nicer. There have been crossing the border to Los Antiguos rating and Chile Chico Chile, take the southern route and alternate route and ferry before returning to Argentina in terms of Esquel. From Esquel to the landscape changes and the steppe gives way to a new landscape of mountains and lakes. D Also, c is between Esquel and El Bolson that the singer Florent Pagny has his ranch somewhere well hidden to the village of Cholila ... N not being invited, we spent our way!

Bariloche al located inside the Nahuel Huapi National Park and the shores of the lake of the same name. The city has not particularly charming, only its central place, with small wooden buildings and stone can resemble a Swiss village. The rest is rather arbitrary, but the two main streets parallel to the lake are very commercial and rather pleasant. We are far from the charms of the Chilean housing. The decor around Bariloche is however very beautiful: Lake Nahuel Huapi and its islands the largest of which is the Victoria Island, the "arm of lakes", and several Cerros (vertices) which are accessed by cable car and / or chair lift. In particular, it is up to Cerro Catedral (1900 m only) on top of which the views of the lake Nahuel Huapi and Gutierrez and splendid that the peaks of the Andes with Tronador volcano (3478 m). Villa Catedral, or part of the cable car to climb to Cerro, is also the largest ski resort of South America. And it's weird to think that the ski season here s extends from mid May to late September. There are quite a few channels or you can hike from hut to hut was from Cerros.
we went to visit the peninsula of Llao Llao located in the heart of the Nahuel Huapi Park 25 km east of Bariloche al. A good network of bus serves. Unfortunately it has rained all day and paid it s is soaked from head to toe. We didn't have climbed Cerro Campanario either d or it is said that al is one of the finest views of the world ... It will take that one back, c is about to see all that we didn't have to see!

We will leave April 1 for the los Andes San Martin 200 km further north.


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