Saturday, October 23, 2010

How Extend Outlets After Tiling

Guelma Photos Photos Ghardaia Algeria Algeria

Photos of the town of Ghardaia in Algeria.

Ghardaia derives its name from the word Amazigh Tagherdayt (Tarerdayt). Today Mzab capital. Its supposed date of its foundation is 1228. It is a city (Aγerm) ksourien type, its traditional architecture has greatly inspired the work of Le Corbusier.

the name "Ghardaia", as did those in the region Mzab Amazigh (Tajnint El Atteuf "At Mlichet" Melika "At Izğen" Beni Isguen "At Bunur" Bounoura "Bergan" Berriane "and Iger'r'ar'en" Guerrara ") is in effect, since the French colonial period, the deformation of the shape Amazigh authentic" Taγerdayt "that we must not be confused with taγerdat / taγerdayt, female "aγerda = mouse." These similarities do exist in the Amazigh language in all its variants.

The name "Taγerdayt" that is the metropolis of the region Mzab, for reasons he would be long to mention here, of course, has a form and meaning in connection with the language of the settlement continuously occupied since time immemorial. Moreover, it would be senseless and inconceivable that some form Gazetteer (Ghardaia) be formalized, so that this toponym has always been pronounced "Taγerdayt" by all Amazigh people of that region, saying only: ad z'wiγ γel Tγerdayt (I make me a Taγerdayt) usiγ Tγerdayt-ds (I came from Taγerdayt), etc. ...

A strong assumption reached by H. Dabouz, Taγerdayt place name meaning " bowl / depression "is as follows: •" ta --- t "(feminine singular indices in Tamazight) • gher (under iger / ager mean field) • adday (bottom, bottom, below).

What goes in harmony with the topography and the meaning of "bowl / depression." Moreover, in Tamazight Adrar NFuse, Libya, Taγerdayt the word is well attested. It gives the meaning of "land located along the river." [In Wikipedia ]

Overview and Ghardaia Palmers - Algeria
Photos satellite Ghardaïa Algerie
The ancient town of Ghardaia - Algeria
Photos satellite Ghardaïa Algerie
Another ancient site in the town of Ghardaia, Algeria
Photos satellite Ghardaïa Algerie
Ghardaia - Real
Photos satellite Ghardaïa Algerie
New construction site north of Ghardaia - Algeria
Photos satellite Ghardaïa Algerie


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