Thursday, November 11, 2010

Baptismal Card Messages

Cuba Guantanamo Camp

Photos of the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

The camp is located on the Guantánamo naval base at Guantanamo Bay in southeast Cuba. In the military detention center high-security inmates are qualified as "combatants off-the-law", captured by U.S. forces in various operations conducted abroad (Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.. ) against militants and "terrorists" Islamists. The choice of this center in Cuba on a U.S. military base was justified by President George W. Bush to establish legally the decision to refuse to subject detainees to U.S. federal court system, building on the extra-territoriality of the base.

There was, in fall 2001, approximately 750 detainees from about twenty different countries. From 2001 to 2004, more than 200 prisoners were released, many were found in their home country as the six prisoners of French nationality or receive amnesty as hundreds of Afghans. In April 2006, 558 people were imprisoned at Guantanamo, a number that had dropped to 275 in May 2008 and 192 in January 2010, a year after the deadline set by a presidential decree of President Barack Obama ordering the closure. In total, 779 people passed through this institution between 2002 and December 2008, five of whom committed suicide.

In June 2006 the Supreme Court declared illegal the proceedings of emergency in place at Guantanamo. An advocacy group Human Rights based in London estimated that 60 detainees [When ?] Are minor.
Entrance to the camp five Guantanamo

A study by the U.S. military says at least 30 former Guantanamo detainees have been killed or captured during fighting in Afghanistan in Pakistan or Iraq, and that 95% of them constituted a threat to "American interests" because of their affiliation with the Islamist movement.

This place of detention outside any legal framework draws criticism from the international public opinion, governments and associations defending human rights. Many testimonies and documents reflect degrading detention conditions and the use of torture techniques on prisoners.

On November 16, 2008, Barack Obama, then president-elect, confirmed its intention to close the camp. But this closure raises particular legal problems as the fact that a confession had been obtained "under duress", thus creating a procedural flaw, which could lead the court to release American prisoners, including at least one, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has been held responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001. On 22 January 2009, Obama signed a presidential decree ordering the closure of the camp within a year. The high security prison in the small town of Thomson, Illinois, built in 2001, but the 2800 cells are not all met, will be purchased by the federal government. Many difficulties, both political and administrative and legal barriers to achieving the closure of Guantanamo prisoners who still has 176 in August 2010. [In Wikipedia ]

image satellite guantanamo
image satellite guantanamo
image satellite guantanamo
image satellite guantanamo


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