Tuesday, November 2, 2010

If You Put The Peace Sign Side Ways

Djemila Roman city

Djémila, Djemila, or Djamila (from Arabic: جميلة, "beautiful") is a municipality in north-eastern Algeria, located in the wilaya of Setif, bordering regions of Lower Kabylia and Constantine. The town contains the remains of ancient Cuicul Roman city, declared World Heritage by UNESCO.


Cuicul The colony was founded on a rugged terrain north of Algeria in the late first century (96) probably Veterans of Nerva and his name is that of a village or a Berber place that had not yet been Latinized. Timgad is above one of the last colony in Africa Roman deduction.

Under the Antonines (96-192) the city was beautified with a forum, a capitol, several temples, a senate, a market and a theater . With the construction of large resorts during the reign of Commodus marks the expansion of the city to the south.

Under the Severi (192-235) to organize new neighborhoods south of the forum around a vast square, new streets were laid out, and the city gradually became a city in which to live, which develops luxury homes.

the mid-third century, an economic crisis following poor harvests paralyzed trade and hindered the development of the city.

Late Antiquity see Cuicul continue a vibrant urban life. In the fourth century, conversion to Christianity of the people breathed a resurgence of activity and urban expansion with the erection of a Christian neighborhood. A baptistery and a church implanted at the south end of town, a civil basilica is built on the site Severian. The luxurious houses of the notables are constantly being developed up considerable areas, private baths and tooling up to give considerable space for receptions (private basilicas). The house of Europe or of Castorius reveal this lifestyle of the rich local leaders and have retained a large mosaic decoration.

Cuicul is occupied in 431 by the Vandals who persecute Catholics until their departure after the agreements concluded with Genseric in 442.

When the city was reconquered by the Byzantines, she regained a semblance of stability and activity, but fell into oblivion in the late sixth century.

In 1909, after construction of a driveway, that systematic excavations were undertaken by the department of Historical Monuments. Madame de Cresolles, archaeologist, led the evolution of the ruins until 1941. Miss Y. Allais, who summarized the history of the city, succeeded him in 1942.

Given the state of conservation of the ruins, the city has been declared a World Heritage of Humanity in 1982. [In Wikipedia ]

Overview of the Roman city of Djemila in Algeria .

The ruins of the Roman city of Djemila in Algeria.

The ruins of the Roman city of Djemila in Algeria.


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