Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Emu Emu Wool Unterschied

d San Pedro Atacama - 27 au 30 avril

In less than an hour, we traveled by mini bus the 47 miles that separate the Chilean-Bolivian border is located 4200m, San Pedro de Atacama (Chile) 2500. The temperature difference is immediately noticeable! San Pedro is a tourist town but has retained much charm. Located in the Salar of Atacama desert in itself of Atacama, the houses are low, in Pisa, ocher or white, the streets in the ground. From the central square of San Pedro was a beautiful view of the volcano Licancabur overlooking the town from its height of almost 6000m. The small white colonial church of San Pedro, the 17th century, has many charm with its exposed wooden cactus.
We went to visit the Moon Valley and Death Valley, located about twenty kilometers from San Pedro. The sets work by erosion over millions of years have been spectacular: jagged rock peaks, mountains stratified layers of different colors, old fields and geothermal geysers, caves and gorges, rocks containing quartz and salt ... and especially the huge sand dunes as the Sahara Desert. At the top of any of them, we see the rising sun and the changing colors of the mountains and Licancabur. The sky was unfortunately sail, the result was not the discount on this one!

San Pedro de Atacama

Valle de la Luna

On April 30 we took a bus from San Pedro de Atacama (Chile) to return to Salta (Argentina ) : 12 hours by bus Route 52, very well paved. The road winds around mountains and desert throughout 4000. Spectacular landscapes and breathtaking especially around the Salinas Grandes (or we were gone during our car ride around Salta), c is the most spectacular.
In Salta, the first day of May, was taken a bus to Posadas due east Argentina (see later in 16-Argentine/Posadas) - 17 h bus.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Opposing Abortion Thesis

Uyuni et le Sud Lipez - 23 au 27 avril

We arrived in Uyuni after 7am with a bus trip from Tupiza pretty hellish. Of course, one could take the train but left Tupiza in the late afternoon and arrived in Uyuni at night. And we don t like it, because c is always a bit scary at night to get somewhere, so we took the bus. A mini bus in which uncomfortable was shaken like plum ... Tupiza-Uyuni Road is an unmade road: it is still packed to the dusty village of Atocha or it s is stopped to eat (a banana and bread) in staining desperately not to swallow the dust kicked up by gusts of wind. Then we drive on sand or worse, on rocks for hours. Aw, have ... Fortunately the scenery is truly breathtaking but it is better not to have acute mountain sickness (you go above 4000 m much of the journey), or motion sickness, if you're cooked! What a beauty though: we spent several passes, we go back and we return again and again, then the arid highlands with lots of llamas. The worst part of this bus was to stand the noise: the engine of course but especially that of an old TV with the sound cranked, plus a radio that played local songs, plus a or two phones in his sizzling ... We were above the acceptable decibel our ears ... Noise, throughout South America, c is something!
Uyuni is a small quiet town in the desert has altitude 3700 md. There is no great thing from the central square where stands the tower clock, Nor al hour. But hey, we like. During our trip to Bolivia in August 2003, we had already come and we had already toured three days in the Sud Lipez. But it is so exceptional that it has seized the opportunity to return dy. These landscapes are among the wildest of the planet, we are on the high plateau between 4000 and 4800m above sea level and we see very many vicuna, other animal of the family of llama wool, which is particularly fine and refined.
We had the chance to make our turn because the week before, campesinos and workers of the San Cristobal mine of gold and silver, blocked all the jeeps to pressure the government and ask for conditions Living and working better. It must be said that the Sud Lipez Province is the poorest of Bolivia. The blockade was calm, the government has promised to nationalize the mine owned by foreign capital (mostly Japanese). He also has a development program access al electricity and water for the population. But the situation remains tense.

D Uyuni to the Chilean-Bolivian border and San Pedro de Atacama (Chile)
We therefore reserve a 3 day tour with an agency of Uyuni (the choice is yours) and went on a jeep 4 English chauffeur with whom there is s very well understood: Holly and Olivia for girls (in southern England), Ben (Yorkshire) and Jamie (from London) for boys. They had mp3 with great music, it's been a long time that we had not listened!
the first day, we cross the Salar of Uyuni, the largest salt lake in the world with 200 000 km2 (for the record of the Salinas Grandes Argentina in the Salta region are 12 000 km2). The highlight of the day, c is the isla del pescado , an island that rises with hundreds of cactus in the middle of the salar. From the top of the island, the view is breathtaking on the salar. The night we slept in an inn in the village of San Juan located south of the Salar, a village outside of time.
The second day we go lagoons lagoons with their birds and flamingos. Unfortunately we could see how they were dry s for 7 years ... unbelievable. Climate change is criminalized. D within 5 years, nor will it probably more water at all. The white color of boron around the lagoons is the predominant Already the red ocher mountains are reflected already in the lagoons by the hours were changing color. The show is still magical, but it s such a shame. We slept the night at the shelter located near the Laguna Colorada, more than Spartan ... was sharing a room with our English friends.
the third day of starts 5:30 am. We left early to see the sunrise over the geysers, similar to cones of volcanoes erupting. Unbelievable. And then the thermal waters, natural springs around 40 degrees and finally towards the Laguna Verde dominated by the superb Licancabur (almost 6000m) that Patrick had to also climbed 7 years ago. It marks the border between Bolivia and Chile, Bolivia has only a customs post in a shed. Arriving in the vicinity of Chile, there are military posts given the strained relations between Bolivia and Chile, the latter refusing to Bolivia access to the sea
From the border post, we took a bus down to San Pedro of Atacama in Chile and the Chilean border we pass on arrival, with the same mess every time we returned to Chile for the control of food (prohibited). Only 47 km to descend on San Pedro and move my 2500 to 4200 md altitude. All along, we have a superb view of the Licancabur while we see that San Pedro very small, very down the middle of the Atacama Desert ...
Show result in 15 - Chile / San Pedro of Atacama.

Uyuni village

Salar and South Lipez


Watchsouthparkonline On Ipod

Tupiza - 21 au 23 avril et sa region

L c is good, but we wanted to change the scenery ... In Bolivia, c is done! We took a bus from Salta at 7am for the border Quiaca (Argentinian side) and Villazon (Bolivian side) where we were after 6am. As it is believed that La Quiaca, Argentina last pueblo before Bolivia has exactly 5121 km of Ushuaia ... we realize the way ... The scenery is beautiful, c is the extension Quebrada de Humahuaca up a Tres Cruces, and then enters a high desert plateau. Of Villazon, dusty village, we took a train to Tupiza, a 3 hour train to the north. In Tupiza, not much to tell the truth, apart from lots of shops or make copies (one wonders why there are so many!) And pizza restaurants that are all alike. But we found the atmosphere in Bolivia with pleasure. The ladies are all small and funny with their bowler hats, their bouffant skirt (at least 10 thicknesses of petticoat under-skirt and tights-skirt them ...), whatever the temperature. Their hair is plaited and prolong with wool. In Tupiza is mainly based s is the long journey from yesterday, and enjoyed a stroll a meeting of the population. Our next destination of April 23: Uyuni to Tupiza northwest.

Knightsbridge Coliection

A Mutation in Sepia - Scuba Diving in the Philippines

Here is a great video taken by our friend Lars diver during one of his trips to Bohol in the Philippines.

We had been diving sumptuous "Crystal Coast" also known as the "Marine Sanctuary Tawali!

That day we saw a superb Cuttlefish trying to make himself invisible with its camouflage colors and textures! A real treat for the eyes!

What lies beneath the surface is really incredible:)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Supreme Drivers Wireless

the Philippines and its

From diving in the Philippines, you will have the chance to dive on boats called Bangka or Pumboat !

These are boats that require tapered beams. They have no keel and a very shallow draft (typically less than a meter) that allows them to easily reach the beaches, even at low tide

The pumboats are mostly equipped engined flat 4 to 8 cylinders. This is the origin of Japanese truck engines (Mitsubishi, isuzu, toyota ...) who are not from the mechanics Navy but amply fulfill their role.

The cruising speed is a bangka 10 to 20 knots in calm seas (15 to 40 km / h). In rough seas, the captain of talent is essential to balance the boat. The bangka however, did not design to handle a big swell, so it is recommended during your dives in the Philippines to choose sites where the sea is relatively calm!

The dive boats in the Philippines are generally equipped with side ladders, a tarpaulin cons sunburn, bench seating, lockers for bottles and diving equipment and toilet (for pee after diving :-)

They are nice boats to dive because they are elongated and have divers the opportunity to expand and relax between 2 dives.

The launch is most often strides bangka but some can also do a back flip .

Our advice for your dives in the Philippines: When

the launch from a Bangka, keep an eye on balances, particularly in busy sea. Indeed, it is not uncommon for divers with the face mask and snorkel in his mouth, to total disregard of the boat and be on the verge of being hit by the shell or pendulums.

Be smart, with a little security will appreciate the more dives in the Philippines!

For your belongings, consider a waterproof bag or get one to your instructor or your Divemaster!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Formula Forrecurring Deposit Calculation

Boat Diving in the Philippines, yes, but what with Fins? :)

Some find that the design of equipment Diving is a bit monotonous and there was no real technological revolution in recent years!

What about those fins? Pure innovation or incremental innovation? In any case it throws !!!!!!!!!

Not sure that these fins allow us to make real progress during the course of Open Water in Bohol.

That said, the Philippines, they will be certain to avoid sea urchins at low tide :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

I Saw My Daughter Masterbate Help

nudibranchs and Diving in the Philippines Bohol Panglao Bohol Kalipayan

Today, 2 dives in the program, Arco Point and BBC. The sea was very lenient, we expected to have some waves in the afternoon but it was very quiet on a Sunday in Bohol.

During dives, one of 20 meters and visibility towards a light stream as we like. Just enough to maintain neutral buoyancy and not have any flippers diving (diving lazy hehehe:)

We saw several nudibranchs flabelina type (I prefer called the "Rasta Nudibranches," it speaks better) of different colors, some in shades of cream and others with a steel blue contrasting with the orange tips and yellow.

Nudibranchs are sea slugs of sorts. They are so named because "Nudi" means "naked" and "Branch" means "gills". So they are "naked gills". Indeed, we see a kind of sonvent corolla or flower on their backs that is indeed their breathing apparatus. This branch, in contrast to the fish that were located in their cheeks, is prominently displayed on their backs on such a point that one wonders at the beginning what is this strange growth miracle without knowing what is its function.

There are approximately 3500 species of nudibranchs listed, but there are many more to discover.

So put your masks and open your eyes!

Good diving to all!

More Info on nudibranchs

Diving Courses

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sushi Bacterial Food Poisoning Symptoms

Diving Philippines diving mask

Today The sea was rather calm, no waves because the wind is south called Timog softened now.

Visibility was about 20 meters. A small dive 67minutes on the falling Kalipayan, a site located west of Alona Beach, Panglao, Bohol, Philippines.

A nice dive with nudibranchs between another 4 rasta, a flatworm orange and purple (as in the photo next door), shrimp crinoids black and white (they look really to Dalton). A beautifull lil frog fish located 8 meters deep.

After a few days off de l'eau, ça fait du bien de se retremper :)

Cours de Plongée

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jcpenney Hair Extension

Salta - 14 au 21 avril

20 hours and three bus changes later from the Parks del Valle Fertil, we arrived in Salta on April 14 in late morning, rather (very) tired ... Salta is the largest city in northwestern Argentina, located at 1200 md elevation and dominated by the Cerro Torre at 1500 m, above which it is mounted in the cable car to have a beautiful view over the city and surrounding mountains. Salta is a beautiful city but it was still a little disappointed because we expected s has a smaller town with colonial architecture more ubiquitous. In reality the historic district is restricted to the central streets around Caseros de la Calle and Plaza 9 de Julio with its beautiful cathedral, the convent church of San Bernardo and San Francisco. Much traffic in the city it is far from beautiful colonial towns that can be seen in Mexico for example. In the AC, Salta is particularly the starting point of discovery of the valley south to Cafayate and north toward the highlands of Bolivia. We rented a car over 5 days (a small Corsa 3 door) to discover all these wonders ...
Day 1: We went to Cachi Salta, a small village, very old houses with whitewashed walls, located at 2200m above sea level. The road is not tarmac throughout, far s necessary, but it is passable. The decor is breathtaking: it goes through red and green mountains, you climb up the Col Piedra del Molino at 3400 m just after making a small detour through the Valley Echantee ... Col after you cross the Recta Tin Tin, a large arid plateau at 3000m with mountains on both other and especially huge cactus, up to 7 m high, and all forms of guanacos in the middle .. . These amazing cactus, a real treat these landscapes so unusual, we wanted to photograph everything with our eyes, our senses ...
2nd day: We recovered the Ruta 40 Cachi Cafayate which oscillates between a dirt road and narrow stony track. It is far from what we imagine to be a national road yet! We pass through small hamlets and villages which, if they don have a few adobe houses, still have their beautiful white church. Between Cachi and Molinos, we see people working in fields and dry chillies or weave ponchos wool sheep or lama. The scenery is especially interesting when you cross the Quebrada de las Flechas with sharp rocks that climb to heaven. In Cafayate we visited a winery and tasted the local wine, including cabernet sauvignon and malbec. The region of Cafayate is another great wine-producing regions of Argentina.
3rd day: From Cafayate to San Salvador de Jujuy, the road is paved, is ca. We pass through 50 km, until Alemania hamlet in the beautiful Quebrada de la Concha along the Rio of the same name. C is probably the Quebrada that was preferred. Wonderful, wonderful, there is a lack of qualifiers. Gradations between colors perfect white, tan, red and brown, a marvel. Then Route 9 between Salta and Jujuy through a dense forest and humid, almost tropical. It is very narrow and winding, with balcony and is very nice but it should not be news ...
Day 4: Our itinerary allowed us to visit the villages of Quebrada de Humahuaca Jujuy and between the village of Humahuaca. They all look a little like finally: a central living with a white church and cobbled streets with low houses in Pisa. What we love most particularly on this section: La Posta del Hornillos, drop created by the English in the late 18th century, allowing passengers to change their horses. Admirable as the view of the paleta del pintor (the painter's palette, stunning mountain striped degraded) from the heights of the small cemetery in the hamlet of Maimara flowers, and the views across the Quebrada that it has since the ancient village Pukara which dominates the village of Tilcara. We walk among the cacti of several meters high, c is impressive. We slept a Purmamarca on the road the next day ...
5th day: A big day Purmamarca between Salta and return via Salinas Grandes and San Antonio de los Cobres. Route 52 departing from Purmamarca tarmac climbs up the neck is 4170m, the views are superb. It descends on the Salar Salinas Grandes of 120 km2, the largest salt lake of Argentina. Then AC is bark ... is recovered Ruta 40 towards the remote village of San Antonio de los Cobres. We hesitated to do this stretch drive because we knew that the road is particularly bad: sand, rocks, holes ... but it is happening with our little corsa! a long journey through a desert plain. We met several herds of llamas, drinking from the water points, crossing the road or quietly grazing a few grassy tufts. San Antonio is dreary, c is one of the villages the highest of Argentina (3750 m) ... From there, we come back to Salta through the mountains and the Quebrada del Toro, as colors and cactus again ... The route follows that of the famous Tren de las Nubes (Train to the Clouds), one of the railroads still the highest in the world. It took 27 years to build and is crossed several times.
Throughout the region, people do a lot of goats cheese. The cactus wood is used to make many items of handicrafts, furniture, and is also used for framing of churches, altars ...
Overall we traveled about 1200 km for our trip of 5 days to do, great. Not bad police checks all the time: in 5 days it was monitored 3 times.

Salta city

Region Salta by car

The starting tomorrow April 21 for a loop unplanned Bolivia: it rises to cross the border at 8am at The Quiaca Bus Salta and then we'll see !!!...

Cheats For Gpsphone Ruby Any Pokemon

Ischigualasto Parcs et Talampaya - 12 et 13 avril

We left the pretty village of San Juan Barreal in late after noon April 11 and spent the night in a small hotel near the bus station, our bus to San Augustin del Valle Fertil left from right the next morning. We reached San Augustin in late morning on 12 and have found an agency with which we organize visits to Parks Ischigualasto and Talampaya. Both parks are reserved geological and paleontological among the largest in the world dating from the Triassic period (first period of the Mesozoic era) between 250 and 200 million years. Bones and vertebrae of dinosaurs have been recovered; scientists believe that they have gone on ad severe flooding in these valleys. If the two parks were classified as World Heritage of UNESCO in 2000, their decor is different and we didn't had the impression of seeing the same thing, not at all. A Ischigualasto, you can see very many forms of rock and imagination takes ay see mushrooms, ships, sphinx ... Depending on location, the colors of the rocks are tan, red or white. The Ischigualasto park is also called Valley of the Moon because of its lunar landscape. At Park
Talampaya, we especially impressed by the canyon walls of red up to 150 m high. The canyon stretching S 15 km long, c is a marvel. The erosion has been working the rock and the water in places digs fireplaces up and down walls. We saw several Zorros (small fox with a superb tail plume), guanacos and condors many, one of the largest birds in the world of 3 md scale. Since
Park Talampaya we waited for the bus Rioja, which we avoided to leave until the village of San Augustin del Valle Fertil (150 km). A very long night of travel we waited ... We Rioja has arrived at 23.15 after 4 hours drive from Talampaya; of, we took a night bus to Tucuman and we were at 5am before returning immediately to Salta, in northwestern Argentina, at 7.30 am. .. April 14.

Park Ischigualasto

Park Talampaya

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Naval Jelly For Aluninum

revolutionary? Diver

You know the last mask with integrated digital console?

Diving Courses

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Flooring Kit For Boats


Marine animals are sometimes seen as aggressive. It is a misconception and misunderstanding of his animals.

Feeding fish is not a good habit. Doing so has the same hour in the same place is even worse and changes their behavior.

We learn during his Open Water not to feed the marine animals!

Hint: look at nature without attempting to alter his behavior, do not chase the turtles as palmar rockets, let them come to you!

This video is a typical diver's stupid. Sensitive souls, abstain, 0) restricted to adults. Do not be a diver stupid!

ps: this video was not taken during a dive in the Philippines.

Diving Courses

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ikusa Otome Suvia / Ikusa Suviaonline

Barreal - 8 au 11 avril

We took 2:30 to reach San Juan from Mendoza. Once at the bus station in San Juan, there is s no wonder if we would not change his route and drop Barreal because the bus did not start until 19h in the evening. Was kept pending and we went to visit San Juan. It was very hot, the city deserted, as elsewhere in Argentina open after noon. To mount a Barreal 4h bus through the mountains from San Juan: the village has 1200 md altitude is located in a beautiful valley between first and Cordillera Cordillera with great views of the summit El Mercedario , 2nd highest peak Andes with her after the 6770m Aconcagua (6962m). Although the decor is gorgeous, it's better if you drop Barreal is not motorized, because you can not rent a car or motorcycle ... it is very difficult to move around to visit. We ended up finding bikes and we ride in is s small country roads, there are miles to go, and along the beautiful Rio Los Patos foot peaks of the Andes. By dint of toughness, we found a driver delivered (shared taxi) with whom we negotiated the price to go up to Park Leoncito located 30 km from Barreal. The tour begins with a stop in La Pampa Leoncito a strange extent of 15km 3km on hard sand and cracked like the desert-probably an old dry lake bed, on which nothing grows nothing. When the wind blows hard, we can make yachting. Unfortunately we didn't have to try because c is not a good season. It was then continues on the park itself speaks, not very big, we quickly made the turn from small canyons, waterfalls, mountains PEELED ocher and reddish colors. Finally, we expected the night to go al Cesco Astronomical Observatory, one of the two observatories park managed by the University of San Juan working on a program of observations related to the theory of big bang and the expansion of the universe. The area is known for the purity of its skies and low pollution for scientific work in the field. The observatory has 5 Cesco telescopes; was observed al naked eye and with explanations of an expert, the planet Mars, the Milky Way and other galaxies such as Andromeda and Las Nubes Magallanes, the star Cruz del Sur. The most impressive property on the observations the telescope: we could see Saturn and its ring, magic! and the star Sirius, the brightest visible from the southern hemisphere. The telescope it shone like a perfect diamond ...

We leave for San Juan the evening of April 11 and continue our route tomorrow morning to go to San Augustin del Valle Fertil further north.

Barbie Strawberry Games

Mendoza - 5 au 8 avril

ago 20 hours bus from San Martin Andes and Mendoza, a night bus that arrives that is n with 2 hours late and was driving on an asphalt road along, marvel-them! ! Mendoza is a city that looks like a Mediterranean city, many trees and greenery through the system of irrigation canals powerful Incas inherited the techniques and pleasant places including the Plaza de España very pretty with lanterns and benches earthenware; the city s anime from 17h. Were housed in the Plaza de Chile, in full center, c is quite noisy but good. Temperatures were well over back to Patagonia. The region of Mendoza lives in priority of the extraction of oil, and tourism and the vineyard. C is in the region that are located the 4 highest peaks of the Andean Cordillera, the first being the Aconcagua, the highest of South America was 6962 m. We went yesterday to see a closer ... We left for the day through the first mountain range, taking the road of the year, so called because it has 365 turns. No matter where and no ... the narrow dirt road through Villavicencio who was the former ruta 7 allowing access the Chile climbed to dizzying way through the mountain. The decor is wild and pele, it never rains here the equivalent of eight days per year. Full of guanacos in the mountain stream, much more comfortable than we al in rotating ... We reach the village Uspallata in the heart of a valley 250 km long wedged between two mountain ranges. C is that the film 7 years in Tibet with Brad Pitt was running. The town of 12,000 inhabitants live in the production of potatoes and carrots. Uspallata after the road continues to Chile by a fairly large canyon along the river Mendoza. Superb mountain scenery mineral; it continues up to the viewpoint of Aconcagua, one is then to 3000 md altitude. It was lucky, it makes very good and c is the south face of Aconcagua that we see. He started close but we are still at 40 km, the edge of the Aconcagua park closes each year on March 15 when the first snowfall herald the winter. The road continues up to the very strange village of Las Cuevas or live only 7 inhabitants! C is the last before the tunnel-boundary between Chile and Argentina. De las Cuevas, one recovers again the old ruta 7 for a final mounted at altitude 4200 md. Breathtaking, spectacular, you climb, you climb ... and it dominates the valley. Arrived at the top of one side, the Argentina to Chile and the other a superb statue of Christ with the flags of Argentina and Chile and other hand, a monument erected for peace between the two countries. Going down, it s is stopped to see a geological curiosity: the Inca Bridge, a stone bridge on which is an accumulation of sulfur and iron is by the flow of water over the millennia.

We also visit the bodegas (wineries) and sample the local wine. Of the malbec-French origin, region of Cahors is the main variety grown but there is also the syrah, cabernet sauvignon, merlot, pinot noir ... Thanks to its 300 days of sunshine per year, Mendoza is the wine capital of Argentina and is recognized as one of the premier wine growing region of the world. She has no less than 1,500 wineries that represent 75% of Argentine wine production. We took our sausage (salami we found a local al smell of sausage ...) to better enjoy ... The harvest takes place here in March and April each year in January and held the festival of the vine, the opportunity for producers to pay homage to the Virgin of winemakers hope to a prosperous year. The Mendoza region also produces fruits and especially olives, numerous factories of olive oil.

Next step, Barreal, a small village in the Andes.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Pokemon Dawn Swimsuit

San Martin des Andes - 4 avril au 1er

San Martin de los Andes is a super pretty village nestled in the countryside, in Lanin National Park has 4 hours north of Bariloche. To come, we took a bus that was from Villa La Angostura, has borrowed the 7 lakes road that passes through the Park Nahuel Huapi Lake Nahuel Huapi loin in its northern part, falls within the Park Lanin and as its name suggests, allows to have superb views over a series of beautiful lakes. Very lush landscapes of mountains, forests ... About half the journey, the road is a runway full of potholes or mud.

San Martin de los Andes is located on Lake Lacar, the atmosphere is pretty cool and chic, beautiful stone houses and wood, lots of good restaurant offering parrillas (meat grilled over a wood fire) and especially the specialties of the area: patagonia sheep, deer and trout lake (the hunt begins in March), delicious. We rented a bicycle has two seats to visit the village, admiring the houses, river, lake and tour the inns and of hostels for exchanging books.
We also rented a car to visit the area and discover the park Lanin: we took the route of Junin los Andes, the world capital of trout. In particular the Rio Chimehuin that winds through the countryside, is famous for the size of its trout, some weighing up to 10kg! The road through the park Lanin is beautiful: it runs along the lake Huechulafquen turquoise waters, the mountains are peeled tan and very quickly the perfect cone of the volcano Lanin unmask. We had already seen when we made the trek of Villarica in Chile, Argentinian side is more snowy. From Punta Canoa, the view is splendid, there is a lovely chapel by the lake behind which the top the volcano can be glimpsed.

In Argentina, the hot chocolates are exquisite: they are not milky like home but thick as in Spain. Another specialty: the dulce de leche (milk jam literally) that was also found in Chile. It looks like a melted caramel, c is very sweet but very good. Many cakes are made with dulce de leche one in particular which is round and called alfajor s, we find everywhere. Cons by which we dislike in Argentina c is that prices are rarely indicated simply because "they are superior to foreigners ... the same entry in national parks is higher for us and a lot: like 8 pesos for the Argentines and 30 even 50 for us! The opening hours of shops are in the least surprising: No doors open not before 9:30 am or 10 am to close to 13h for a long nap ... up to 17h. However everything is open late ...

Park Lanin

Route 7 Lakes

San Martin Andes will be our last destination in Patagonia, as we look back over the Mendoza 4 April to late after noon.