Saturday, April 24, 2010

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Tupiza - 21 au 23 avril et sa region

L c is good, but we wanted to change the scenery ... In Bolivia, c is done! We took a bus from Salta at 7am for the border Quiaca (Argentinian side) and Villazon (Bolivian side) where we were after 6am. As it is believed that La Quiaca, Argentina last pueblo before Bolivia has exactly 5121 km of Ushuaia ... we realize the way ... The scenery is beautiful, c is the extension Quebrada de Humahuaca up a Tres Cruces, and then enters a high desert plateau. Of Villazon, dusty village, we took a train to Tupiza, a 3 hour train to the north. In Tupiza, not much to tell the truth, apart from lots of shops or make copies (one wonders why there are so many!) And pizza restaurants that are all alike. But we found the atmosphere in Bolivia with pleasure. The ladies are all small and funny with their bowler hats, their bouffant skirt (at least 10 thicknesses of petticoat under-skirt and tights-skirt them ...), whatever the temperature. Their hair is plaited and prolong with wool. In Tupiza is mainly based s is the long journey from yesterday, and enjoyed a stroll a meeting of the population. Our next destination of April 23: Uyuni to Tupiza northwest.


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