Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ikusa Otome Suvia / Ikusa Suviaonline

Barreal - 8 au 11 avril

We took 2:30 to reach San Juan from Mendoza. Once at the bus station in San Juan, there is s no wonder if we would not change his route and drop Barreal because the bus did not start until 19h in the evening. Was kept pending and we went to visit San Juan. It was very hot, the city deserted, as elsewhere in Argentina open after noon. To mount a Barreal 4h bus through the mountains from San Juan: the village has 1200 md altitude is located in a beautiful valley between first and Cordillera Cordillera with great views of the summit El Mercedario , 2nd highest peak Andes with her after the 6770m Aconcagua (6962m). Although the decor is gorgeous, it's better if you drop Barreal is not motorized, because you can not rent a car or motorcycle ... it is very difficult to move around to visit. We ended up finding bikes and we ride in is s small country roads, there are miles to go, and along the beautiful Rio Los Patos foot peaks of the Andes. By dint of toughness, we found a driver delivered (shared taxi) with whom we negotiated the price to go up to Park Leoncito located 30 km from Barreal. The tour begins with a stop in La Pampa Leoncito a strange extent of 15km 3km on hard sand and cracked like the desert-probably an old dry lake bed, on which nothing grows nothing. When the wind blows hard, we can make yachting. Unfortunately we didn't have to try because c is not a good season. It was then continues on the park itself speaks, not very big, we quickly made the turn from small canyons, waterfalls, mountains PEELED ocher and reddish colors. Finally, we expected the night to go al Cesco Astronomical Observatory, one of the two observatories park managed by the University of San Juan working on a program of observations related to the theory of big bang and the expansion of the universe. The area is known for the purity of its skies and low pollution for scientific work in the field. The observatory has 5 Cesco telescopes; was observed al naked eye and with explanations of an expert, the planet Mars, the Milky Way and other galaxies such as Andromeda and Las Nubes Magallanes, the star Cruz del Sur. The most impressive property on the observations the telescope: we could see Saturn and its ring, magic! and the star Sirius, the brightest visible from the southern hemisphere. The telescope it shone like a perfect diamond ...

We leave for San Juan the evening of April 11 and continue our route tomorrow morning to go to San Augustin del Valle Fertil further north.


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