Sunday, April 11, 2010

Barbie Strawberry Games

Mendoza - 5 au 8 avril

ago 20 hours bus from San Martin Andes and Mendoza, a night bus that arrives that is n with 2 hours late and was driving on an asphalt road along, marvel-them! ! Mendoza is a city that looks like a Mediterranean city, many trees and greenery through the system of irrigation canals powerful Incas inherited the techniques and pleasant places including the Plaza de España very pretty with lanterns and benches earthenware; the city s anime from 17h. Were housed in the Plaza de Chile, in full center, c is quite noisy but good. Temperatures were well over back to Patagonia. The region of Mendoza lives in priority of the extraction of oil, and tourism and the vineyard. C is in the region that are located the 4 highest peaks of the Andean Cordillera, the first being the Aconcagua, the highest of South America was 6962 m. We went yesterday to see a closer ... We left for the day through the first mountain range, taking the road of the year, so called because it has 365 turns. No matter where and no ... the narrow dirt road through Villavicencio who was the former ruta 7 allowing access the Chile climbed to dizzying way through the mountain. The decor is wild and pele, it never rains here the equivalent of eight days per year. Full of guanacos in the mountain stream, much more comfortable than we al in rotating ... We reach the village Uspallata in the heart of a valley 250 km long wedged between two mountain ranges. C is that the film 7 years in Tibet with Brad Pitt was running. The town of 12,000 inhabitants live in the production of potatoes and carrots. Uspallata after the road continues to Chile by a fairly large canyon along the river Mendoza. Superb mountain scenery mineral; it continues up to the viewpoint of Aconcagua, one is then to 3000 md altitude. It was lucky, it makes very good and c is the south face of Aconcagua that we see. He started close but we are still at 40 km, the edge of the Aconcagua park closes each year on March 15 when the first snowfall herald the winter. The road continues up to the very strange village of Las Cuevas or live only 7 inhabitants! C is the last before the tunnel-boundary between Chile and Argentina. De las Cuevas, one recovers again the old ruta 7 for a final mounted at altitude 4200 md. Breathtaking, spectacular, you climb, you climb ... and it dominates the valley. Arrived at the top of one side, the Argentina to Chile and the other a superb statue of Christ with the flags of Argentina and Chile and other hand, a monument erected for peace between the two countries. Going down, it s is stopped to see a geological curiosity: the Inca Bridge, a stone bridge on which is an accumulation of sulfur and iron is by the flow of water over the millennia.

We also visit the bodegas (wineries) and sample the local wine. Of the malbec-French origin, region of Cahors is the main variety grown but there is also the syrah, cabernet sauvignon, merlot, pinot noir ... Thanks to its 300 days of sunshine per year, Mendoza is the wine capital of Argentina and is recognized as one of the premier wine growing region of the world. She has no less than 1,500 wineries that represent 75% of Argentine wine production. We took our sausage (salami we found a local al smell of sausage ...) to better enjoy ... The harvest takes place here in March and April each year in January and held the festival of the vine, the opportunity for producers to pay homage to the Virgin of winemakers hope to a prosperous year. The Mendoza region also produces fruits and especially olives, numerous factories of olive oil.

Next step, Barreal, a small village in the Andes.


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