Saturday, January 29, 2011

User Manual Of Philco Pas1028

Casablanca Morocco - Google Earth Photo

Casablanca (الدار البيضاء - ad-Dar al-Baida in Arabic - literally "white house" but commonly called Casa - pronounced Kazaa), is the largest city Morocco. Economic capital, is located on the Atlantic coast about 80 km south of Rabat, the administrative capital. Its inhabitants call the Bédaouis in Arabic, the Arabic Casaou Casablanca Moroccan dialect and French.
Casablanca has 3,269,962 inhabitants, making it the most populous city in the Maghreb. It is located in the Greater Casablanca, the city's largest country and second in the Maghreb.
Issued by legendary Hollywood cinema of the 1940s, Casablanca - considered the laboratory of modernity - was named the capital of modern architecture by international critics. This reputation is mainly due to the architectural diversity experienced by the city during the twentieth century, where it was while the workshop of the new generation of architects who landed directly benches the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris to apply modern theories they had learned. [in Wikipedia ]

Overview of Casablanca in Morocco.

airport of Casablanca in Morocco.

The old city of Casablanca in Morocco.

Foundation Anfa remains a mystery. According to Leo Africanus, born in 1490, it was founded by the Romans. Marmol to its origin is Phoenician. For Ezzayani, born in 1734, the city was founded by the Berbers. It is highly likely that she was an active port of the kingdom of Berghouata, the original Berber state based on a particular religion separate from Sunni Islam. She was quoted by the geographer Al Idrisi in the twelfth century. Under the reign of the Almohad then under the Merinids she grew up to achieve some prosperity. This development will be hindered by the Portuguese raid in 1468, commissioned personally by the Infant John Portugal, the future John II. The Portuguese destroyed Anfa they accused of harboring North African pirates. It will therefore remain in ruins, and the location of the ancient Anfa, Sultan Alawi Mohammed III of Morocco, anxious to highlight the Moroccan Atlantic coast, erected a new city from 1760. Anfa, renamed Dar Al Baida, endowed itself with ramparts, bastions, fortified (Skala), mosques (Al Jamaa Chlouh) and steam rooms. As Mogador, but on a smaller scale initially, she was destined for international trade.
is from 1781 that the English translation of Casa Blanca spread. At this date, merchants from Venice, the brothers Chiappe, brought out the first shipments of grain from the new port built by Mohammed III. Their case was revived in 1788 by the company Hispano-Moroccan Casa Blanca Dar Al Baida, which explains the subsequent rapid spread of names from foreign traders. The Spaniards were so many to settle from the early nineteenth century, later joined by other Europeans, including English and French people of Gibraltar, who obtained the creation of national consulate in Casablanca in the 1860s. To this was added a small European population community Jewish Sephardic more numerous, who served as intermediary for foreign trading houses located in various ports along the Moroccan coast. [in Wikipedia ]

Stadium Casablanca, Morocco.

The port of Casablanca in Morocco.


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