Friday, January 21, 2011

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city Algiers Algeria

The capital city of Algiers, Algeria.

Algiers is the largest economic and trading hub of Algeria and the only major financial hub of the country. Nevertheless Algiers difficulty becoming internationally, or even a regional scale. After 40 years of state control and centralization hard, slow reforms still can not give the "White" airs large metropolis. Financially, the severe lack of large private banks of investment banks gagged the SME sector and deteriorating global economic environment that is too dependent oil revenue and survives only in the case of non-oil fields or not gas. In addition the State of Stock Exchange Algiers alone was sufficient to lift the veil on the private sector often latent or atonic on certain areas ( services, insurance, banking, consulting, tourism, industry leading ...). Indeed, this scholarship has been a paltry capitalization is 67 million euros against 5 billion euro for the Tunis Stock Exchange and 61 billion euros for the Casablanca stock exchange, a figure perfectly illustrates the lack of dynamism in Algiers the other two economic capitals of neighboring countries. Regarding the leisure industry and tourism Algiers is little better. Algeria now has a highly favorable economic situation both internally and externally, in particular following the very strong increase in the price of oil , the country's economic growth has followed a steady and stable from 2.1% in 2001 to 5.3% in 2005, with a peak of 6.8% in 2003, the multi-year projections associated with the Finance Act 2005 predict an average growth rate of 5.3% per annum for the period 2005-2009. Despite the presence of excess liquidity due to the abundance of resources oil, inflation is under control thanks to the strict control exercised by the Bank of Algeria , the rate of inflation at the end of 2005 was 1.5% against 3.6% for 2004. Externally, Algeria is the second largest economy in Africa with a GDP USD 135 billion, behind South Africa with 255 billion, the amount of GDP per capita in 2007 is estimated to 3 968 USD. [in Wikipedia ]

Visit the pages of Cities: Setif - Bejaia - Skikda - Sidi Bel Abbes - Tizi Ouzou and other images of Algiers.

Place May 1st - Algiers - Algeria
Headquarters television Algeria Algiers - Algeria
General view of the port of Algiers - Algeria
The Casbah (al Qasbah, "Citadel") I. Borough of Algiers: called Al-Djazair al Mahroussa ("Well Kept Algiers"), it is founded on the ruins of ancient Icosium.

is a small town, built on a hill down to the sea, divided in two: the Upper Town and Lower Town. There are houses and mosques of the seventeenth century; Ketchaoua mosque (built in 1794 by the Dey Baba Hassan) flanked by two minarets, mosque el Jedid (1660, at the time of Turkish regency) with its large oval dome completed peak and its four coupolettes, El Kebir Mosque (oldest mosque, it was built by the Almoravids Youssef Ibn Tasufin and later rebuilt in 1794), mosque Ali Betchnin (Rais, 1623), Dar Aziza, palate of Jenin. The Casbah is also a maze of narrow streets and picturesque houses, and if you get lost, just go down to the sea to reposition itself.

The Casbah of Algiers - Algeria
Pescade - Algiers - Algeria Pescade-Alger
Bottling monster in Algiers-Algeria Alger-Algerie


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