Monday, May 31, 2010

H&o Wedding And Event Consulting

stay - 25 au 29 mai

A 5h30 drive from Melo, Tacuarembo is located in north-central of Uruguay. C is the home of the Gaucho and its traditions, its culture strong and pervasive throughout the country, to the rurality of Uruguay. Apart from the Gaucho Museum and the nearby village of Carlos Gardel, the city of Tacuarembo has nothing special in itself. We went for an experiment, to experience the gaucho traditions at the heart of their reality in a real estancia (a ranch is a ranch: it is the word used in Uruguay and Argentina, c is a hacienda in Chile).
The Uruguay has a hundred estancias welcoming travelers. Most of them are rather expensive tourist ranches and quite luxurious offering rural tourism activities fee. Us, we wanted to share an experience of life and the lives of gauchos: we spent 4 days special Panageas located in Estancia was 1h30 Tacuarembo direction from Juan Manuel Salto and Suzanna. The estancia Panageas Account 1000 hectares and not less than 1600 sheep, 900 cows, 88 horses, 44 pigs and chickens ... The ranch belonged to the grandfather of Juan Manuel and is located in the countryside, amid immense green areas, with small hills, water courses, granite stones. We first learned of the saddle horses and gauchos saddles are different, more comfortable, covered with a sheepskin. The jaw is also different, longer in the horse's mouth. The reins are held with one hand, another difference. Our daily routine was to ride morning and afternoon to pick up the cattle, sheep or cows, the collection, take in the corral for the immunization, treatment against parasites or select from the animals before the sale or here. Belinga and his family live and work in the ranch of Juan Manuel. With his hat, poncho and his little mustache, has everything the perfect Belinga gaucho. The wife of Juan Manuel, Suzanna is Swiss-German origin, his kindness and generosity we have many makes and keys. Their daughter Darma 11 months and already she seems to like to stand on a horse! A real small left for future! This experience will be unforgettable in the estancia, our rides to drive the cattle through the splendid green areas we have charms. The landscape is really endearing. D so far as we also met a very nice fellow travelers: Kim, Sweden; Stephanie and Luke of Australia. In Estancia Panag, no electricity generator allows fair to have light from 18h to 22h. The rest of the time we use the candle or the lovely fireplace for cozy evenings. Be
Gaucho is primarily a way of life in Uruguay: c is free riding in endless expanses c is an extraordinary ability to understand and tame the beasts. As the read: pain and expresses the gaucho s s blurring in the vast expanses that are his; in town, the pain fades into the gaucho tango, sounds nostalgic . Tango gaucho traditions and rural life are closely intertwined in Uruguay ... If
Uruguay has only 3.5 million inhabitants, has 10 million head of sheep and 11 million cows. 86% of the country's land is dedicated al agricultural, or its extreme rurality and ranching; the Uruguay is the fifth largest producer of wool.


Video accompanied by music:
Poupine Popof-for-generic introduction
Melodinette Popof

We left on 30 and 31 May on Montevideo 5h30 Tacuarembo bus where we found our friends Johanna and Pascal that we had meetings in India. They still have 2 ½ months of travel and they will continue in Bolivia and Peru. We again had an incredible time together and we had tons of memories and stories to share about our respective travel six months since we met in India!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

How To Make Pinhole Camera Pringles

Melo - 23 au 24 mai

One bad season is here, time is not top, many things are closed. We departed on May 23 morning Chuy up to the city of Treinta y Tres-a 3 hour drive to the northeast we have seen until the bus connection to the city of Melo further north east, not far from Brazil . C is Sunday and everything is empty. There was still a march Treinta y Tres, but nothing great. S open landscapes on the horizon and flatness can see very far, to the limits of sight. They are those of a beautiful countryside but c is a little monotonous, even if we see numerous herds of cows, because the cow is al Uruguay that the sheep to New Zealand! - Grazing in the palm groves sometimes in or near a pretty green. No wonder that Uruguay has won the price of Guinness records in 2008 with a giant 12 parrilla 000kg of meat and a barbecue 1500m long. What finally become a vegetarian! The towns are small or medium-sized and are all on the same model, a central square, some animated, or go to the streets with low houses and a little whatever. The country does not breathe life ... Bon, Uruguay c is not our preferred destination, let's be clear.
It continues to rise further north, and it has Tacuarembo looking to spend a few days in a ranch-ranch-something local color that would add some spice to it all!

Denise Milani Is Pregnant

Chuy - 21 au 23 mai

Chuy, al located far east of Uruguay and 1h Punta del Diablo is the border town with Chui in Brazil. Chuy Chui and share a shopping street with many tax-free shops, just across the street. There are more shops has Chui Chuy's, there are perfume, alcohol ... and one can find some good deals on clothes. We did wash our clothes has Chui-so in Brazil if you've followed-. Cote Chuy, street s called Avenida Brasil rating and Chui Avenida Uruguai. People talk a mixture of English and Brazilian impossible to understand, with incredible speed ... hard to stop. We eat so badly and that has fatty Chuy Chui: there are many restaurants TENEDOR Free , the American version of all you can eat. The quantity but not quality ... That you come out of the shopping street, Chuy n is a small village that has barely paved streets.
We went to San Miguel Park located a few miles from Chuy. A nice park with a fort built in 1734 by the English and the Portuguese strengthens in 1737. Fort San Miguel is smaller than the one we visited in Santa Teresa Park and cute but more especially it is in a beautiful setting. Palms, prickly pears, cactus, olive ... and a view of the park with lakes and hills. Like Santa Teresa, Fort San Miguel was transformed into a museum to imagine the life of the infantry in the fort at the time. Beside the fort, two interesting museums: the Museum with couplings criollo and agricultural equipment of 18 and 19th centuries and the museum that presents the Native culture and habitat of the Indians who inhabited the Churruas Uruguay has the arrival of settlers. Declining for most the forced acculturation, they were gradually exterminated and then finally killing in April 1831 al dawn of independence, a terrible genocide that ended in changes from Uruguay.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cut Off For Marine Engineering

Punta del Diablo - 19 au 21 mai

Punta del Diablo is a quaint little village built in the dunes along the beach. C is more of a fishing village, has al 2am Eastern Pedrera. In fact, Punta del Diablo, c is neither beautiful nor ugly, is c ... different! He found an air `` grunge with its houses ragtag, disorganized, some on stilts, others downright purple color or odd tones. The waves break here still wildly on the foreshore. It is not too cold but the weather was damp, much dampness in the air.
Not far from Punta del Diablo, we went to visit Santa Teresa Park with beautiful birds and very beautiful trees. It must be said that Uruguay is home to 450 different bird species, with migration flows throughout the year. In the Park, Santa Teresa fortress built by the Portuguese in 1762, restored early this century and transformed into a museum, very interesting. This fortress was retaken by the Spaniards and was the site of many battles between the Portuguese and Spaniards. D Furthermore, a series of forts were built along the Rio de la Plata the same time.
It is not in the best season to visit the country, a shame because in summer you can see in Punta del Diablo and Cabo Polonia score a little more al west, sea lions and whales la ballena franca-austral.

We leave tomorrow to May 21 Chuy, a border town with Brazil.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Silver Sulfadiazine Cream Cold Sore

La Pedrera - 16 au 19 mai

La Pedrera is a village a few hundred inhabitants located in the department of Rocha 4h bus east of Montevideo al. Along the road, fields and meadows green well out of sight with cows: a landscape with no surprises, no torment, without complications, as though everything, always, was to remain peaceful.
off season, as is currently the case c-peak season is between November and février/mars-, almost everything was closed at the Pedrera: we still found accommodation in a bungalow apartment with ocean views negotiates half price. Owners more than charming. In high season, 90% of tourists are Argentines of La Pedrera, the remainder coming mainly from other countries in Latin America and especially Brazil nearby and few Europeans visit the Uruguay. In any case there is great barracks in La Pedrera, worthy of the finest houses architect designed with large windows overlooking the ocean. An ocean waves unleashed with some surfers. Lot of wind and sun the colors of autumn. It was long long long walks on the beach and went to visit the village of La Paloma is 9 km and its pretty lighthouse dating from 1870 on Cape Santa Maria.
The visit of Uruguay, c is anything but a race to the wonders. C is the discovery and survey simple things simply. C is a peaceful country first. And I read a quote back to Montevideo to a D. Viscott quite appropriate to the country: `No puedes hacer If large cosas, puedes hacer cosas de una gran manera Pequenas` (if you can not do great things you can do with small magnitude).

We left May 19 for Punta del Diablo, a fishing village more Al is on the coast towards Brazil.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How Long Can Sushi Be O

Montevideo - 14 au 16 mai

It took 2:30 to come to Montevideo, capital of Uruguay, from Colonia del Sacramento. A very short trip compared to what we have known all this time! D Furthermore we Early indications show that two things will be here in Uruguay, fundamentally different distances precisely when we have done 5h road we will cross almost the entire country! And the flatness of the landscape: a hill of 100 m is already a high peak!
The Uruguay is a small landlocked country between two giants Argentina and Brazil, which has 3.5 million inhabitants, half live in Montevideo. The rest of the population is highly urbanized, as saying that there is room in the campo for those who want to install sy ... Montevideo is a city much smaller and less flashy than his sidekick Buenos Aires. He is even a dreary and old-fashioned air, turns to the past. Here less beautiful facades, rather dark and often dirty streets. What the two cities have in common, unfortunately, it's a lot of poor people rummaging through garbage cans, even a return in full, for here the bins are very large. Regularly seen on the streets of Montevideo, a horse-drawn carts of people doing the sorting bins to remove paper or cardboard. It must be said that Uruguay has suffered greatly from the Argentine crisis of the early 2000s and probably did more harm recover.
The main street of Montevideo c is the Avenida 18 de Julio. Very nice and quite commercial, it goes up instead of Independence or the start of ciudadela, the old city that extends almost to the port. The walk from the port is very nice, c is the ideal place to enjoy asados and parrillas : per dozen, counters with all sorts of meats, sausages, puddings and other guts cooking on barbecues giants. Our cholesterol levels had to soar since it is in Latin America ... and c is not finished because the Uruguay is the country's cattle, a country of by gaucho tradition: the gentleman rebel, al free spirit and rebel who plays a role here, as in Argentina the country's independence.

On repart demain 16 mai pour La Pedrera a l Est de Montevideo sur la Cote Atlantique , en espérant que la couleur de l eau sera plus engageante qu'ici, couleur marron terre... et que le temps va s améliorer. Hier il faisait grand beau mais aujourd’hui c est une vraie journée d automne. On reviendra a Montevideo en fin de mois ; on a donc pu alléger nos sacs pour repartir plus légers. On visitera alors certains des nombreux musées de la ville, culturellement assez riche.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Indien Womans Seen Bobes

Colonia del Sacramento - 12 au 14 mai

On a pris un ferry de la compagnie Buquebus pour traverser l estuaire du Rio de la Plata entre Buenos Aires et Colonia del Sacramento en Uruguay, il faut 3 hours. There are express boats that are crossing in 1 hour but c is more expensive. Our ferry was fine.
Colonia del Sacramento is a small town founded by the Portuguese in 1680 by a English zone given its strategic location on the banks of the Rio de la Plata. The English course response and the two countries have fought for nearly 100 years ... The historic district of Colonia is pleasant, cobbled streets, colorful houses, walks along the river rather than brown blue waters are not dreaming.
What is funny, is c we saw lots of old cars on the streets of Colonia, parked in the garage probably for years ... as if time had freezes. What a beautiful museum open or to please collectors!
Colonia is the appointment of Porteños who come to spend the day s aerate, housing prices are so high. Colonia c is nice, but no need to dwell sy more than that.

We continue our journey and leave for Montevideo on May 14

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Denise Austin Calories Burned

Buenos Aires - 7 au 12 mai

It took 19h to browse 1300km separating Puerto Iguazu to Buenos Aires. But we could get some sleep because the bus was very comfortable with service aboard dinner and breakfast (bus company Rio Uruguay). Federico and Ingrid, the couple from Buenos Aires that we took a ride on the island of Chiloe in Chile where they were on vacation, have come to expect a bus station. It's been awfully pleased to be expected somewhere! D so far as it was already well sympathize all 4.
were housed in downtown Buenos Aires, on Avenida de Mayo immense, and our window we see the Avenida 9 de Julio, one of the largest in the world (up to 140m). Buenos Aires Federal Capital has 3 million inhabitants and 13 million when including the surrounding area: c is the 2nd largest city in South America after Sao Paulo in Brazil and one of the 10 largest in the world. Buenos Aires is situated on the estuary of the Rio de la Plata, 290km long and wide of 48km. It separates Argentina and Buenos Aires from Uruguay and Montevideo. Buenos Aires has some tunes from Paris with his Hausmann style buildings. It s is walking in the pedestrian streets Florida and Lavalle very lively evening, full of restaurants, cafes ... With our friends Porteños (c is well known that the inhabitants of Buenos Aires) and 2 students in Lille lodges couchsurfing by Federico and Ingrid and Francois-Xavier-Tiphaine we visited the neighborhood of Boca with its calle Caminito, its colorful houses, souvenir shops to the taste of tango and its many bars with street performances of tango. Puerto Madero is a chic, old docks Recently refurbished to the edge of the Rio de la Plata with a nice little port and a beautiful sail boat dating from 1899 visit. A very pleasant walk along the river, lots of greenery, all dominated by new skyscrapers to homes. It was lovely these two districts, each in their way. Puerto Madero, you can reach the Plaza de Mayo and the pink palace of government across the Puente de la Mujer on the Rio de la Plata. The district of San Telmo is itself rather bohemian with its cobbled streets and its many street performances. On Sunday, the fair takes place: it was thought that he s acting of a flea market but c is not the case, the main street in San Telmo which starts from the Plaza de Mayo is filled vendors of crafts. The district of Palermo Viejo fairly quiet, do not leave us a lasting memory, and fortunately we ny houses because it is not far from subway stations and therefore offsets from the center city. He chose Recoleta with its cafes and its enormous ficus plant in 1800. The Microcentro is the business district with the Central Bank of Argentina and lots of other banks in figures that show the values of light euro and the dollar. The Buenos Aires metro is quite quaint! And for good reason: this is the first subway in the southern hemisphere to have been commissioned in 1913. It is always crowded, c is a horror ! The interiors of cars of certain lines is as in our old wooden trams. Nothing to do with the super metros that were known in Hong Kong or Sydney.
We could not leave Argentina and Buenos Aires without seeing a tango show! So we spend an evening that began with a course of one hour of tango with the sequence of four steps of 6 or 8 times with gancho (movement of the lady's right leg between those of the gentleman) and turnstiles the lady in the arms of her man ... not so easy not to step on toes and avoid hitting the calves! Then a great dinner show with this watered red wine, a Syrah from the Mendoza region. The tango is a dance very sensual and crotch are impressive ...

One starts May 12 for Uruguay with a first stop in Colonia del Sur, 3 hours by boat from Buenos Aires across the Rio de la Plata.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Marg Helgenberger Plastic Sugery

Puerto Iguazu / Iguazu chutes d - 3 au 6 mai

between Posadas and Puerto Iguazu there are still 300 km, it has 5am bus. Puerto Iguazu is located al east end of the horn of Argentina, at the confluence of the Rios Parana and Iguazu powerful and borders with Brazil and Paraguay. D also shows the three boundaries and two rivers from a point in the city. The color of the earth is red, c is like the clay and vegetation tropical, it's hot and humid. What a change from the desert in recent weeks!
It is of course went to visit the beautiful waterfalls of Iguazu, among the largest in the world: 280 waterfalls that drop from 70 to 80 m high, the show s stretching over 2.5 km. C is for Iguazu Falls that was shooting the movie Mission Roland Joffe. Niagara Falls by side, are well rikiki! C is so beautiful that has tears in her eyes. We would like our memory is accurate we long to keep the memory of these anchor pictures forever. C is probably one of the best things that we have seen during our travels. Dazzling, especially as to the level of water was very high, it is s not hurt wet passing on bridges as the power of the spray is important. Each different angle of view, it was a new ecstasy. We went to see the falls on both the Brazilian and Argentinian side, both are worth no doubt. Brazilian coast, the tour lasts about 2:30, the bridges are less numerous. Around Argentinian side is longer (lower circuit and circuit higher), although given the level of the water, the terrible garganta del diablo and Isla San Martin were closed. As a bonus, we had several beautiful rainbows that seemed to cross the falls.
The park was then covered Trail Macuco through the jungle, about 3 hours walk RA. Indeed, we find it a bit monotonous ... but we still saw spiders, ants and a huge family pet anteaters called goato . By cons or puma or jaguar which the park brochure gave us some guidelines !!!... in case of fortuitous encounter ...
In Brazil, we also went to visit the Itaipu hydroelectric dam of co operated by Brazil and Paraguay. C is the most powerful dam in the world: its construction started in 1975, the first turbines were operating in 1984. It reached its full power with 20 turbines in 1991. It produces 14 million kWh, and meets the electricity needs of Brazil for 25% and 90% to those of Paraguay. The Three Gorges Dam in China opened in 2009 is bigger but still more powerful Itaipu. C is very impressive. In Brazil
always, we went to visit the Parque de las Aves, a park with 800 species of birds of South America in semi freedom. Jumped into the cages, c is great. Full of toucans, flamingos, butterflies, species unknown to us, full of beautiful colors everywhere around us. We also see boas and anacondas. Iguazu Falls

Argentinian side

Iguazu Falls Brazilian side

parque de las aves (Brazil)

We leave in late afternoon April 6, by bus to Buenos Aires and will arrive tomorrow morning. Or about a new stage between 17 and 20 hours of bus ... You end up being rodes!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Vodafone Sim Card Cost India

Posadas - 2 au 3 mai 2010

was therefore chained trips from San Pedro de Atacama (Chile) by returning to Salta (Argentina) 12-hour bus on April 30 and May 1 the next day, Salta bus 15h and the Posadas has arrived May 2 at 8:30 am. They had taken this time spaces cama (sleeper), c is not a real bed! but c is better than semi-cama that it usually took the same night. The road is straight, not surprisingly since Salta. It has changed the landscape: a new trees and greenery! and Climate: tropical rather humid here. Nothing special has Posadas, c is a city of nearly 250,000 inhabitants. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is located in the eastern horn of Argentina, facing the Rio Parana, the second largest river in South America after the Amazon, and then against Paraguay on the other side. A bridge about 2.5 km can join the Argentine Encarnacion Posadas the Paraguayan. On Sunday, the Argentine cities are dead, everything is closed, we even had trouble finding Dining. Finally there is offered a good s parrillada downtown (barbecued meat) and a house flan for dessert. In Argentina, the blanks are particularly good, they are counseled (blank caseros). Overall, there will be much better eats in Argentina that Chile, c is more varied.
We wanted to take a bus to visit the Jesuit missions and especially that of San Ignacio has been restored. But it rained so much like storm that has dropped and we went directly Puerto Iguazu, al end of the horn of east Argentina. In fact, we should have gone directly to spend the night in the village of San Ignacio has located 65 km east of al Posadas close missions. Too bad!