Sunday, May 23, 2010

Denise Milani Is Pregnant

Chuy - 21 au 23 mai

Chuy, al located far east of Uruguay and 1h Punta del Diablo is the border town with Chui in Brazil. Chuy Chui and share a shopping street with many tax-free shops, just across the street. There are more shops has Chui Chuy's, there are perfume, alcohol ... and one can find some good deals on clothes. We did wash our clothes has Chui-so in Brazil if you've followed-. Cote Chuy, street s called Avenida Brasil rating and Chui Avenida Uruguai. People talk a mixture of English and Brazilian impossible to understand, with incredible speed ... hard to stop. We eat so badly and that has fatty Chuy Chui: there are many restaurants TENEDOR Free , the American version of all you can eat. The quantity but not quality ... That you come out of the shopping street, Chuy n is a small village that has barely paved streets.
We went to San Miguel Park located a few miles from Chuy. A nice park with a fort built in 1734 by the English and the Portuguese strengthens in 1737. Fort San Miguel is smaller than the one we visited in Santa Teresa Park and cute but more especially it is in a beautiful setting. Palms, prickly pears, cactus, olive ... and a view of the park with lakes and hills. Like Santa Teresa, Fort San Miguel was transformed into a museum to imagine the life of the infantry in the fort at the time. Beside the fort, two interesting museums: the Museum with couplings criollo and agricultural equipment of 18 and 19th centuries and the museum that presents the Native culture and habitat of the Indians who inhabited the Churruas Uruguay has the arrival of settlers. Declining for most the forced acculturation, they were gradually exterminated and then finally killing in April 1831 al dawn of independence, a terrible genocide that ended in changes from Uruguay.


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