Saturday, May 15, 2010

How Long Can Sushi Be O

Montevideo - 14 au 16 mai

It took 2:30 to come to Montevideo, capital of Uruguay, from Colonia del Sacramento. A very short trip compared to what we have known all this time! D Furthermore we Early indications show that two things will be here in Uruguay, fundamentally different distances precisely when we have done 5h road we will cross almost the entire country! And the flatness of the landscape: a hill of 100 m is already a high peak!
The Uruguay is a small landlocked country between two giants Argentina and Brazil, which has 3.5 million inhabitants, half live in Montevideo. The rest of the population is highly urbanized, as saying that there is room in the campo for those who want to install sy ... Montevideo is a city much smaller and less flashy than his sidekick Buenos Aires. He is even a dreary and old-fashioned air, turns to the past. Here less beautiful facades, rather dark and often dirty streets. What the two cities have in common, unfortunately, it's a lot of poor people rummaging through garbage cans, even a return in full, for here the bins are very large. Regularly seen on the streets of Montevideo, a horse-drawn carts of people doing the sorting bins to remove paper or cardboard. It must be said that Uruguay has suffered greatly from the Argentine crisis of the early 2000s and probably did more harm recover.
The main street of Montevideo c is the Avenida 18 de Julio. Very nice and quite commercial, it goes up instead of Independence or the start of ciudadela, the old city that extends almost to the port. The walk from the port is very nice, c is the ideal place to enjoy asados and parrillas : per dozen, counters with all sorts of meats, sausages, puddings and other guts cooking on barbecues giants. Our cholesterol levels had to soar since it is in Latin America ... and c is not finished because the Uruguay is the country's cattle, a country of by gaucho tradition: the gentleman rebel, al free spirit and rebel who plays a role here, as in Argentina the country's independence.

On repart demain 16 mai pour La Pedrera a l Est de Montevideo sur la Cote Atlantique , en espérant que la couleur de l eau sera plus engageante qu'ici, couleur marron terre... et que le temps va s améliorer. Hier il faisait grand beau mais aujourd’hui c est une vraie journée d automne. On reviendra a Montevideo en fin de mois ; on a donc pu alléger nos sacs pour repartir plus légers. On visitera alors certains des nombreux musées de la ville, culturellement assez riche.


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