Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Silver Sulfadiazine Cream Cold Sore

La Pedrera - 16 au 19 mai

La Pedrera is a village a few hundred inhabitants located in the department of Rocha 4h bus east of Montevideo al. Along the road, fields and meadows green well out of sight with cows: a landscape with no surprises, no torment, without complications, as though everything, always, was to remain peaceful.
off season, as is currently the case c-peak season is between November and février/mars-, almost everything was closed at the Pedrera: we still found accommodation in a bungalow apartment with ocean views negotiates half price. Owners more than charming. In high season, 90% of tourists are Argentines of La Pedrera, the remainder coming mainly from other countries in Latin America and especially Brazil nearby and few Europeans visit the Uruguay. In any case there is great barracks in La Pedrera, worthy of the finest houses architect designed with large windows overlooking the ocean. An ocean waves unleashed with some surfers. Lot of wind and sun the colors of autumn. It was long long long walks on the beach and went to visit the village of La Paloma is 9 km and its pretty lighthouse dating from 1870 on Cape Santa Maria.
The visit of Uruguay, c is anything but a race to the wonders. C is the discovery and survey simple things simply. C is a peaceful country first. And I read a quote back to Montevideo to a D. Viscott quite appropriate to the country: `No puedes hacer If large cosas, puedes hacer cosas de una gran manera Pequenas` (if you can not do great things you can do with small magnitude).

We left May 19 for Punta del Diablo, a fishing village more Al is on the coast towards Brazil.


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