Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cut Off For Marine Engineering

Punta del Diablo - 19 au 21 mai

Punta del Diablo is a quaint little village built in the dunes along the beach. C is more of a fishing village, has al 2am Eastern Pedrera. In fact, Punta del Diablo, c is neither beautiful nor ugly, is c ... different! He found an air `` grunge with its houses ragtag, disorganized, some on stilts, others downright purple color or odd tones. The waves break here still wildly on the foreshore. It is not too cold but the weather was damp, much dampness in the air.
Not far from Punta del Diablo, we went to visit Santa Teresa Park with beautiful birds and very beautiful trees. It must be said that Uruguay is home to 450 different bird species, with migration flows throughout the year. In the Park, Santa Teresa fortress built by the Portuguese in 1762, restored early this century and transformed into a museum, very interesting. This fortress was retaken by the Spaniards and was the site of many battles between the Portuguese and Spaniards. D Furthermore, a series of forts were built along the Rio de la Plata the same time.
It is not in the best season to visit the country, a shame because in summer you can see in Punta del Diablo and Cabo Polonia score a little more al west, sea lions and whales la ballena franca-austral.

We leave tomorrow to May 21 Chuy, a border town with Brazil.


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