Thursday, May 13, 2010

Indien Womans Seen Bobes

Colonia del Sacramento - 12 au 14 mai

On a pris un ferry de la compagnie Buquebus pour traverser l estuaire du Rio de la Plata entre Buenos Aires et Colonia del Sacramento en Uruguay, il faut 3 hours. There are express boats that are crossing in 1 hour but c is more expensive. Our ferry was fine.
Colonia del Sacramento is a small town founded by the Portuguese in 1680 by a English zone given its strategic location on the banks of the Rio de la Plata. The English course response and the two countries have fought for nearly 100 years ... The historic district of Colonia is pleasant, cobbled streets, colorful houses, walks along the river rather than brown blue waters are not dreaming.
What is funny, is c we saw lots of old cars on the streets of Colonia, parked in the garage probably for years ... as if time had freezes. What a beautiful museum open or to please collectors!
Colonia is the appointment of PorteƱos who come to spend the day s aerate, housing prices are so high. Colonia c is nice, but no need to dwell sy more than that.

We continue our journey and leave for Montevideo on May 14


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