Thursday, May 6, 2010

Marg Helgenberger Plastic Sugery

Puerto Iguazu / Iguazu chutes d - 3 au 6 mai

between Posadas and Puerto Iguazu there are still 300 km, it has 5am bus. Puerto Iguazu is located al east end of the horn of Argentina, at the confluence of the Rios Parana and Iguazu powerful and borders with Brazil and Paraguay. D also shows the three boundaries and two rivers from a point in the city. The color of the earth is red, c is like the clay and vegetation tropical, it's hot and humid. What a change from the desert in recent weeks!
It is of course went to visit the beautiful waterfalls of Iguazu, among the largest in the world: 280 waterfalls that drop from 70 to 80 m high, the show s stretching over 2.5 km. C is for Iguazu Falls that was shooting the movie Mission Roland Joffe. Niagara Falls by side, are well rikiki! C is so beautiful that has tears in her eyes. We would like our memory is accurate we long to keep the memory of these anchor pictures forever. C is probably one of the best things that we have seen during our travels. Dazzling, especially as to the level of water was very high, it is s not hurt wet passing on bridges as the power of the spray is important. Each different angle of view, it was a new ecstasy. We went to see the falls on both the Brazilian and Argentinian side, both are worth no doubt. Brazilian coast, the tour lasts about 2:30, the bridges are less numerous. Around Argentinian side is longer (lower circuit and circuit higher), although given the level of the water, the terrible garganta del diablo and Isla San Martin were closed. As a bonus, we had several beautiful rainbows that seemed to cross the falls.
The park was then covered Trail Macuco through the jungle, about 3 hours walk RA. Indeed, we find it a bit monotonous ... but we still saw spiders, ants and a huge family pet anteaters called goato . By cons or puma or jaguar which the park brochure gave us some guidelines !!!... in case of fortuitous encounter ...
In Brazil, we also went to visit the Itaipu hydroelectric dam of co operated by Brazil and Paraguay. C is the most powerful dam in the world: its construction started in 1975, the first turbines were operating in 1984. It reached its full power with 20 turbines in 1991. It produces 14 million kWh, and meets the electricity needs of Brazil for 25% and 90% to those of Paraguay. The Three Gorges Dam in China opened in 2009 is bigger but still more powerful Itaipu. C is very impressive. In Brazil
always, we went to visit the Parque de las Aves, a park with 800 species of birds of South America in semi freedom. Jumped into the cages, c is great. Full of toucans, flamingos, butterflies, species unknown to us, full of beautiful colors everywhere around us. We also see boas and anacondas. Iguazu Falls

Argentinian side

Iguazu Falls Brazilian side

parque de las aves (Brazil)

We leave in late afternoon April 6, by bus to Buenos Aires and will arrive tomorrow morning. Or about a new stage between 17 and 20 hours of bus ... You end up being rodes!


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