Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fisher Price Baby Grand Piano

Gaudi's Palau Guell was built with funding from Count Guell. It is a grand palace designed to be a residence and a place of entertainment. The Palau Güell

has a wealth of visual details and, unusually for Gaudi, an entire floor is made of rectangular windows.

In other places, the palace arches of irregular shapes complexes and iron sculptures.

Gaudi's style is represented by multiple perforations ornate fireplaces and some places, the wall has a coating of glazed tiles in brilliant colors.

The palace was built in four years was completed in 1890. Rumor has it that Gaudi would have produced more than 20 different models for the front facade of the building.

The palace has 4 floors, a cellar, and a flat roof access, which is a massive structure in the shape of a cone 15 meters high.

Tourist information

The Palau Guell is under renovation and only a portion of the monument is currently available.


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