Saturday, July 25, 2009

She Masterbate In Car

Casa Milla or "La Pedrera (the quarry) is probably the building most famous of Gaudi in Barcelona. It was built between the years 1905 and 1907. You will find on the Passeig de Gracia.

Like all works of Gaudi, this building is in one of two categories, "love" or "hatred". It has been described as simulating the dunes of the desert as a representation of a cliff perforated with caves. The

Casa Milla catches the eye in many ways, but the chimneys, very detailed, form a well-known landmark in the skyline of Barcelona. They have been extensively renovated a few years ago. The building has been cleaned and is now restored to its original gray color. (It now houses the offices of a major bank.)

intention to Gaudi's Casa Milla was to ensure that whatever time of day, part of the interior of buildings is still lit by natural sunlight. This explains its very perforated front includes sumptuous curves. These two elements are intended to bring light into the building.

Inside the Casa Milla is also a great show. The flamboyant forms and external corrugations are repeated inside. Casa Milla is a spectacular building in all directions and at all levels, and even those who do not love at first sight to marvel at its aesthetic sense.

For fans of modernist Gaudi, Casa Milla is regarded as the incarnation of the movement and many consider it the most elegant creation of Gaudi.

information to Urist

Casa Milla is open from 10:00 to 20:00, extended until midnight on Fridays and Saturdays during the summer months.

ago an exhibition space in the attic, usually with always something interesting showing.

In particular, you can experience the "La Pedrera de Nit", where you can listen to music while enjoying a drink while perched on the roof of Casa Milla at night.


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