Friday, July 24, 2009

Pokemon Shiny Gold Guide

modernist architecture, architects and their buildings in Barcelona Poble Espanyol

Short History of Modernist Barcelona

Modern architecture in the region Catalog not born of discomfort and unrest and was partly a reaction to the removal of many traditions of Catalan life, as the regional language has become almost illegal.

Many modernist architects could almost be described as political activists and their conception of modernism is clearly an expression of their originality Catalan.

modernist architecture is open to multiple interpretations. It Clearly, English and Moorish architecture is very influential, but there are also ideas and models from other European countries like Great Britain, France and Austria. Undoubtedly, the modernists have added their own ideas about these concepts and results are now part of the legacy of the architecture of Barcelona.

The beginning of the movement of the "modernists" in Barcelona is difficult to ascertain, but many consider that the first buildings began to appear after 1880 and buildings as "Simon i Montaner and Casa Vicens" are typically cited as the creative force behind the movement.

modernist buildings can be equally difficult to determine. Many built at the turn of the twentieth century in Barcelona are "vaguely" modernists, but define them as part of the movement "modernist" is difficult. Typically, the ornate buildings of masonry, sculpture and mosaics, with a lack of compliance are described as modernist. Of course, all the famous modernist buildings are highlighted in guidebooks, but these guides are far from all the reference designs.

Architects modernists and their buildings in Barcelona

1. Antoni Gaudi

For complete information on Gaudi, refer to our page dedicated

2. Josep Puig i Cadafalc pm

architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch (1867-1956) was one of the "modernists" of the turn of the twentieth century. Born in Catalonia, it was originally a number of buildings in Barcelona, the most inventive and inspired. Many people find the work of Josep Puig i Cadafalch easier to accept than Gaudi et ses bâtiments ne doit être lacked step.

Ses créations sont énumérées ci-dessous, il a également sur le travaille avec Enjoy "Café de Turin." Instantly Gaudi, il était farouchement Patriotic.
  • Casa Macaya
  • House Amatller
  • House Company
  • House Casa Marti Serra
  • House Muley-AFID
  • House mounted
  • House of Punxes (Casta Tarrades) Tailor Makes House
  • Fabrica Casaramona
  • Palau Baro de Quadras
  • Tower Pastor Cruilles
3. Lluis Domenech i Montaner (1850 to 1923)

Lluis Domenech i Montaner is considered one of the founders of the modernist movement. He lived between 1850 and 1923 was also another strong Catalan. With creations that combine Gothic and Romanesque, he instead uses the aesthetics of the past.
Most of its buildings were designed in 1888, shortly before his death.

  • The publisher Muntaner i Simon (built in 1880, many saw the first real example the modernist era). The Castell del
  • very dragons Ciutadella Park (built in 1888).
  • The Palau Montaner (built in 1889, this building was partially designed by Domenech).
  • Casa Thomas (built between 1895 and 1898, this book was commissioned as a family home and workplace).
  • Pere Mata Institute (built in 1897). La Casa
  • of Arcadia (renovated and decorated by Domenech in 1902).
  • Casa Lleo Morera (renovated and decorated by Domenech, between 1902 and 1906).
  • Hospital Sant Creu i Sant Pau (built between 1902 and 1912, is truly spectacular from some angles).
  • The Palau de la Musica Catalana (built between 1905 and 1908, an ornate building)
  • Casa Fuster (built between 1908 and 1910).
4. Enric Sagnier i Villavecchia

Although it is not really a modernist architect in the truest sense, Enric Sagnier i Villavecchia was originally a number of very beautiful buildings in Barcelona. He also explored modernity with many other ideas.

Some of the buildings pl known to us 'Registered i c i Sagnier Villavecchia :
  • The Courthouse
  • La Caixa de Pensions.
  • Church of the Sacred Heart (Tibidabo)


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